Complete control of your test environment

The BGAN Network Emulator is the most comprehensive test tool for both manual and automated terminal testing – no airtime or line-of-sight required. It is applicable to all segments: land, maritime, aviation and space. Get complete control of your Inmarsat BGAN test environment with the BGAN Network Emulator.

The BGAN Network Emulator brings the BGAN satellite network into a test bench, allowing you to simulate a satellite connection for a BGAN, FBB or SBB terminal. This means that you can end-to-end test your terminal – in a controlled test environment! It is an off-the-shelf product, which has proven its worth throughout the course of development of several terminals in the market today.

Product sheet

Key benefits

  • Emulate all BGAN functionality in a controlled sandbox environment
  • Validate user experience e.g. during handover between beams
  • Create, execute, reproduce and document test scenarios
  • Avoid exposure on the live network
  • Test and document terminal performance
  • Test end-to-end exchange of user data such as e-mail, FTP and web browsing
  • Assure quality in any event (e.g. signal degradation, traffic shaping, queuing, QoS, congestion)

Test off-air

The BGAN Network Emulator enables controlled and advanced testing of your BGAN user terminals while remaining off-air.

Testing off-air provides several benefits such as no air-time costs, no travel expenses and no limitations with regards to available network conditions.

Reproduce any scenario

When testing a terminal, you want to know how it responds to the unpredictable behavior of a live network and link, such as allocated bandwidth, blockage or bit errors.

By testing off-air with the satellite simulator, you can reproduce any scenario – no matter if this means best or worst possible conditions.

Test as many times as needed

With the satellite link emulator, you can test as many times as needed, without the restrictions of limited airtime or line-of-sight, as you do not have to physically be out at sea, on the road or in the air to test.

Having the option of unlimited testing at your disposal means you can get to the root of issues and ensure the stability your end users expect.

With extensive scripting and configuration possibilities  the BGAN Network Emulator is an ideal tool in an automated test setup enabling regression test and pre-release qualification.

Predictable costs

The unpredictability of testing on a live network can cause unforeseen costs in terms of prolonged test processes, travel expenses and more airtime. This can leave you in an uncomfortable position where you will have to outweigh whether to test as much as needed, or just as much as the budget allows. With the BGAN Network Emulator you avoid this grievance as you can fully plan and control the scenarios you need to test and hereby predict the exact cost associated with the testing.

Testing of applications for UAVs

Growing dependency on digital solutions has demanded stronger and more effective satellite connectivity on unmanned vehicles for air and sea applications such as UAVs, UCAVs, RPAs, ASVs, and UUVs. It is crucial to test all satellite enabled applications to guarantee the safety and performance of your systems.

Prepare for critical missions by taking satellite enabled application testing to new levels. With a BGAN Network Emulator, you can reproduce any scenario and test all satellite enabled applications.

With extensive test and documentation required for aero terminals, Honeywell used the Gatehouse Satcom BGAN Network Emulator (BNE) – an advanced network emulation tool – to configure test systems and simulate world-wide flight tracks.


BGAN technology

BGAN Protocol Stack

The BGAN Protocol Stack supports all terminal classes defined by Inmarsat and it is integrated into various terminals.

BGAN Application Framework

Minimize the risk, cost, and time of integration of a new protocol stack with the Gatehouse BGAN Application Framework (BAF). The tool includes many mandatory features related to building a BGAN terminal.

BGAN for Software Defined Radio

In need of incorporating BGAN capability on Software Defined Radio (SDR) platforms? The Gatehouse BGAN solution for SDR is a complete waveform. Type approved by Inmarsat for the Inmarsat BGAN satellite system. Applicable to any segment; commercial or military.

SB-SAT Protocol Stack (IDRS)

SB-SAT technology enables relay of data from LEO to GEO satellites – Inter satellite Data Relay Services (IDRS) for cost-efficient and real-time connectivity.

Want to explore further?

Ole Madsen
Commercial Director

I look forward to discuss your specific need for satellite communications software or test tools.

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