Build a new BGAN terminal efficiently

Minimize the risk, cost, and time of integration of a new protocol stack with the Gatehouse BGAN Application Framework (BAF). The tool includes many mandatory features related to building a BGAN terminal. The BGAN Application Framework is developed for terminal manufacturers who want to improve control and optimize the process of developing an application layer.

Product sheet

Key components

The key components of the BGAN Application Framework are:

  • Standard AT Handler supports BGAN specific commands
  • Handlers for Network Access Control, Packet Switched and Circuit Switched calls, including SMS

The AT handler also supports the Inmarsat BGAN terminal application LaunchPad.

Rapid prototyping

The BGAN Application Framework is already integrated with the BGAN Protocol Stack and works out-of-the-box. Only integration with USIM, GPS and the physical layer is necessary to use the platform for IP data transfers. This significantly reduces the effort needed for prototyping.


The fact that the BGAN Application Framework is a mature software framework ensures that the customer will get a head start creating a stable product. This is a benefit to you as a terminal manufacturer as documented stability ensures optimal end-user experience.


The BGAN Application Framework includes a simple API for interfacing to the MMI of a user terminal, such as keypad and display. The API enables user assisted antenna pointing and GPS position display. You do not need an AT command interface or complex ETSI 3GPP API. Instead terminal developers can use a well-documented interface hiding the complexity of BGAN.

High Quality and Reliable Software

The BGAN Application Framework is an extension of the Gatehouse BGAN Protocol Stack (BPS). The BGAN Application Framework is high-quality and extremely reliable software. It can easily be extended according to customer requirements, minimizing the risk, cost, and time of delivery for a BGAN application layer. It utilizes the ETSI defined API in the BGAN Protocol Stack. The ETSI interface is a generic interface for UMTS protocol stacks and relatively complex. Therefore, the BGAN Application Framework is designed to encapsulate the complexity of the usage of the ETSI API.

BGAN Technology

BGAN Protocol Stack

The BGAN Protocol Stack supports all terminal classes defined by Inmarsat and it is integrated into various terminals.

BGAN Application Framework

Minimize the risk, cost, and time of integration of a new protocol stack with the Gatehouse BGAN Application Framework (BAF). The tool includes many mandatory features related to building a BGAN terminal.

BGAN for Software Defined Radio

In need of incorporating BGAN capability on Software Defined Radio (SDR) platforms? The Gatehouse BGAN solution for SDR is a complete waveform. Type approved by Inmarsat for the Inmarsat BGAN satellite system. Applicable to any segment; commercial or military.

SB-SAT Protocol Stack (IDRS)

SB-SAT technology enables relay of data from LEO to GEO satellites – Intersatellite Data Relay Services (IDRS) for cost-efficient and real-time connectivity.

Let’s get in touch

Ole Madsen
Commercial Director

I look forward to discuss your specific need for satellite communications software or test tools.

Please reach out to me or fill out this form to start a conversation.